About Us

After 20 years of military service, I realized I had gained only one “skill” that could cross over into the civilian world.  I had to get out of the Navy while the gettin’ was good and capitalize.  To be clear … everyone outside of uniform (job market) gives precisely zero fucks that you have a master’s degree and (kind of) know how to dismantle bombs, jump out of planes, shoot a gun, dive, or run chaotic logistics.  

And, contrary to what multiple internet grifters are leading you to believe, your military leadership is not enough to warrant you a position at NASA.  Every military “pipehitter” wearing a BRCC t-shirt is a “dynamic” and “multidimensional” leader.  Thankfully, the job market is catching on to this supersaturated, nonsensical garbage.  If you’re still in the service, take note:  No.  One.  Cares.

Post retirement, we started 1v1 Hunting, an outfitting business dedicated to spot-and-stalk archery deer hunting.  The first year went well.  However, at the same time, we were utterly hoodwinked and scammed by family.  So, we decided to end the venture.

During 1v1, we coined and trademarked the phrase “American Made Hunter.”  These three words perfectly capture who we are, where we come from, what we stand for, and the unique American concept of self-determination we have spent most of our adult lives serving and protecting.

So, when you wear anything American Made Hunter related, know that you are broadcasting a lifestyle and a firm belief. 

To each his/her own on how American Made Hunter is adapted to personal pursuits.  Big game.  Small game.  Paper targets.  Whatever.

#americanmadehunter #heavymetalbowhunter